

These Official Rules (the β€œRules”) are the rules for the Contest. By participating in the Contest and/or submitting an entry, you acknowledge and agree that you have read, understood, and fully agree to these Rules, and that the decisions of the Sponsor (defined below) are final and binding in all matters relating to the Contest.


The Contest is sponsored by 1449557 B.C. LTD. dba Icon Cars and Clothing (the β€œSponsor”). The Contest is in no way sponsored, endorsed, administered by, or associated with any Prize manufacturer, or any social media platform such as Meta, Google, or YouTube.


The Contest begins at 12:00:01 p.m. PST on [16th April 2024] and ends on 11:59:59 p.m. PST on [15th April 2025] (the β€œContest Period”).


The Contest is open to legal residents of Canada (excluding QuΓ©bec) and the United States (excluding Florida and New York), and the District of Columbia who have reached the legal age of majority in their province, territory, or state of residence (19 in Alabama and Nebraska, 21 in Mississippi, and 18 in all remain states and in Canada) and are licensed drivers (an β€œEntrant”). This Contest is not open to employees, officers, directors, or any of their immediate family members, of the Sponsor, the Prize Provider (defined below), or any of the Sponsor’s affiliates, subsidiaries, advertising, or promotion partners. This Contest is void where prohibited by law. By participating in the Contest, the Entrant agrees to be bound by these Rules. Winning a Prize (defined below) is
contingent upon fulfilling all requirements set forth in these Rules.


Entrants can enter the Contest by purchasing an Eligible Product (defined below) or by mail-in (each, an β€œEntry”, collectively, β€œEntries”). No purchase or payment of money is necessary to enter or win the Contest. All Entries into the contest have an equal chance of winning the Prize (defined below).

Entrants can earn entries by purchasing certain products from (the β€œWebsite”). During the Contest Period, Entrants will automatically receive one (1) Entry into the Contest for every $1.00 CAD spent on an eligible product (an β€œEligible Product”) on the Website.
Certain products available on the Website may not provide you with entries into the Contest, and we shall not be liable for any products that you purchase which do not provide you with Contest entries. The number of entries you receive will be based on the list price of an Eligible Product only, and you
will not receive entries based on the tax or shipping charges from your purchase. All purchases of Eligible Products are subject to the Sponsor’s policies outlined in the Terms and Conditions. If an Eligible Product is exchanged prior to the end of the Contest Period, only entries associated with
the originally purchased Eligible Product will be retained, and no further entries will be afforded in the event of exchanging an Eligible Product for a replacement item of higher value. Your purchase of an Eligible Product must be made and received by the Sponsor by 11:59:59 p.m. PCT on [15th April 2025] to be eligible to receive entries for the Contest.

To enter the Contest without purchasing an Eligible Product, an Entrant may send in a handwritten request (β€œMail-In Request”) to the Sponsor, which includes (i) the Entrant’s name, address, city, province, postal code, e-mail address, telephone, and date of birth, and (ii) the Entrant’s request for an entry into the Contest. The Entrant must send the Mail-In Request to:

Icon Cars And Clothing, PMB 332,
407-552 Clarke Road
Coquitlam, BC, V3J 0A3

Entrants will receive fifty (50) Entries into the Contest for each valid Mail-In Request. Each Mail-In Request must be mailed individually – multiple Mail-In Requests sent in bulk will not be accepted. Mail-In Requests must be received by the Sponsor by 15th April 2025. The Sponsor is not responsible for late, lost, damaged, stolen, incomplete, illegible, postage due, or misdirected Mail-In Requests. Proof of mailing does not constitute proof of delivery of a Mail-In Request. All information must be complete to be accepted as an eligible Entry for the Contest. Only fully complete and compliant Mail-In Requests shall be eligible for the Contest, which shall be determined at the Sponsor’s sole discretion. Use of computer programs and/or other automatic devices, including automatic writing devices, photocopies, facsimiles, or reproductions to prepare Mail-In Requests is strictly prohibited, and any such Mail-In Requests that are actually or suspected to be prepared by such means will not be accepted. An Entry successfully submitted in connection with a Mail-In Request will be confirmed to the Entrant via an email confirmation sent to the Entrant’s e-mail address provided on the Mail-In Request. The email confirmation will include a code to redeem the Entry/Entries associated with the successful Mail-In Request.Β  Β Β 

During the Contest Period, the Sponsor may announce designated time periods (a β€œMultiplier
”) where Entrants can increase the number of Entries they may earn through a multiplier (an β€œEntry Multiplier”, for example, 3X the amount of Entries can be earned on purchases of Eligible Products during a Multiplier Period).

Β When an Entry Multiplier
is offered:

Throughout the Contest Period, the Sponsor may announce designated time periods (a β€œBonus Period”) where Entrants can earn bonus entries (β€œBonus Entries”).

When Bonus Entries are offered:


An Entry shall not be a valid and will bedisqualified if the Sponsor believes or has reason to believe, in its sole discretion, that an Entry:

In addition to the foregoing, the Sponsor shall be entitled to disqualify any Entries that are submitted for any other reason, in its sole discretion. The Sponsor shall not be required to notify an Entrant that its Entry has been disqualified from the Contest.


One (1) Contest winner (the β€œWinner”) will be selected by a random drawing under the supervision of the Sponsor, on or about five (5) days after the conclusion of the Contest Period. The Winner will be notified by email within five (5) days following the Sponsor’s selection of the Winner. The Winner must respond and acknowledge the Sponsor’s correspondence within three (3) days (including weekends and holidays) following the Sponsor’s notification email to the Winner. If the Winner does not respond to the Sponsor’s notification email within three (3) days after the Sponsor sent the email, the Sponsor shall reserve the right to select an alternate Winner. The Sponsor shall not be liable for the Winner’s failure to receive notifications due to spam, junk mail, or other security settings, or for the Winner’s provision of incorrect or non-functioning contact information.

The initial Winner shall be disqualified and the Sponsor shall be permitted to select an alternative Winner if, at the Sponsor’s sole discretion: (i) the Sponsor is not able to contact the Winner after
reasonable attempts are made to contact the Winner, (ii) the Winner is not eligible to accept the Prize (defined below) for any reason as determined by the Sponsor, (iii) the Winner does not redeem the Prize from the Sponsor during the Pick-Up Period (defined below), (iv) for Winners that reside in Canada, the Winner does not correctly answer the Skill-Testing Question within the time period defined by the Sponsor, or (v) the Winner fails to return a completed and executed release as may be required by the Sponsor.

Any violation of these Rules by the Winner will result in the Winner’s disqualification as the Winner of the Contest and all privileges as Winner will be terminated immediately. If a Winner gets disqualified or is otherwise determined to be ineligible to win the Contest, the Sponsor may select an alternate Winner, at its sole discretion.

If the Sponsor is unable to determine and verify a potential winner after repeated alternate drawings, or if they fail to receive a sufficient number of entries to correspond to the number of prize(s) available to be awarded, Sponsor reserves the right to not award any or all of the prize(s).


The Winner will receive a choice of the following prize options (the β€œPrize”), upon the Sponsor’s confirmation of the Winner’s eligibility:

Each Prize option has an approximate retail value of $250,000.00 CAD. Only the number of prizes stated in these Rules are available to be won.

The Prize will be constructed and provided by Gregory Burke Visionary Automotive Ltd, (the β€œPrize Provider”) and is subject to the Prize Provider’s terms and conditions.

The Prize selected by the Winner is subject to availability. A Prize cannot be substituted, assigned, transferred, or redeemed for cash, however, the Sponsor reserves the right to substitute a chosen Prize with a different prize of equal or greater value. A Prize will only be available for redemption after the Prize Provider has constructed the Prize and delivered the Prize to the Sponsor. The Sponsor and Prize Provider make no guarantees regarding the length of time needed to construct a Prize or when a Prize will be available for redemption, and are not responsible for any Prize delivery delays. If the Prize Provider cannot fulfil the construction or delivery of the Prize chosen by the Winner for any reason, a substitute Prize of equal or greater value may be provided to the Winner, at the Sponsor’s sole discretion.


Any costs associated necessary to accept, redeem, or legally operate the Prize shall be the sole responsibility of the Winner, including, but not limited to, title and registration, taxes, insurance, licensing, gasoline, vehicle maintenance, and travel costs or incidental expenses associated with Prize redemption. The interior and exterior color and condition of the Prize displayed on the Website or in any promotional materials may differ from the actual Prize. The Prize is provided on an β€œas is” basis and has no warranty.Β  The Winner is responsible for reviewing the standards associated with operating the Prize in their province or territory before choosing and accepting the Prize.


If the Winner is a resident of Canada, in order to claim the Prize, the Winner will be required to (i) correctly answer within the time period defined by the Sponsor, without mechanical or other aid, a mathematical skill-testing question (β€œSkill-Testing Question”) to be administered by phone, (ii) provide the Sponsor with proof of a valid drivers’ license and satisfactory insurance, and (iii) be legally eligible to drive (as determined by the Sponsor in its sole discretion).

Β The Prize must be picked up from a location to be determined by the Sponsor within thirty (30) days after the Sponsor notifies the Winner of the Prize’s availability for redemption (the β€œPick-Up Period”). If the Winner does not pick up the Prize within the Pick-Up Period, the Sponsor shall reserve the right to select an alternate Winner.Β  Β 

The Winner understands that the process of redeeming the Prize may be videotaped and/or photographed, and the rights to any videos or photographs of the Winner’s Prize redemption belong solely to the Sponsor in perpetuity, and may be used in any media, at any time, at the Sponsor’s sole


By accepting a Prize, the Winner confirms and acknowledges that:


The odds of winning the Prize will depend on the number of valid Entries received by the Sponsor for the Contest.Β 



If any provision of these Rules is determined by a competent authority to be unlawful, void, invalid, or unenforceable to any extent by applicable law, such provision will be enforceable to the fullest extent permitted by the applicable law, the unenforceable portion shall be deemed severed from the Rules, and such determination shall not affect the validity and enforceability of the remainder of the Rules.


By entering this Contest, you understand and agree that Sponsor or anyone acting on behalf of the Sponsor and Sponsor’s licensees, successors, and assigns, shall have the right, where permitted by
law, to print, publish, broadcast, distribute, and use in any media now known or hereafter developed, in perpetuity and throughout the world, without limitation, your Entry, name, portrait, picture, voice, likeness, image, statements about the Contest, and biographical information for news, publicity,
information, trade, advertising, public relations, and promotional purposes without any further compensation, notice, review, or consent provided to you. This section shall also apply to any Winner. Winner agrees to confirm this consent in writing if requested.Β 


By entering this Contest, you agree to release and hold harmless the Released Parties from any liability, illness, injury, death, loss, litigation, claim, or damage that may occur, directly or indirectly, whether caused by negligence or not, from (i) an Entrant’s participation in the Contest; (ii) Entrant’s acceptance, possession, use, or misuse of the Prize or any portion of the Prize from the Contest; (iii) technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to the malfunction of any computer, cable, network, hardware, software, or other mechanical equipment, (iv) the unavailability or inaccessibility of any transmissions, telephone, or internet service, or, (v) electronic or human error in the administration of the Contest or the processing of Entries. The Released Parties shall not be held responsible for any problems, errors, or negligence that may occur in connection with the Contest.Β 


This Contest is governed by the laws of Canada and the province of British Columbia, without respect to conflict of law doctrines. As a condition of participating in this Contest, you agree that any
and all disputes between the parties shall be resolved exclusively before a court located in British Columbia. In any such dispute, you shall not be permitted to obtain awards for, and hereby waive all rights to indirect, punitive, incidental, or consequential damages, including reasonable attorney’s
fees. In such cases, you shall only be able to obtain awards for direct damages for the costs associated with entering this Contest.Β 


Personal information that is collected from Entrants who enter the Contest is subject to Our Privacy Policy at


The name of the Winner will be posted on after the Winner has
been verified and the Prize has been redeemed. These Rules will be posted and available on throughout the Contest Period.


The Sponsor reserves the right to extend, cancel, suspend, or delay this Contest or to amend the Rules at any time and for any reason, without providing prior notice to the Entrants. If for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as originally planned, which shall be determined in the Sponsor’s absolute discretion, including, but not limited to, if there are not enough Entries to run the Contest or select a Winner, the Sponsor reserves the right to extend the Contest Period or cancel the Contest temporarily or indefinitely.Β  In the event the Contest is cancelled, suspended, or delayed, the Sponsor shall not be obligated to conduct a draw to select a Winner of the Contest.


These Rules, as well as any other Policy constitutes the entire agreement between you and the Sponsor with respect to the Contest or the Services, and supersedes any prior agreement, understanding, or arrangement between you and the Sponsor, whether oral or in writing.